No mere Chatgyptte, we are Shakespaire. But you don’t believe that.
(Smashed glass.)
On the freeway of history
there are drivers and accidents,
also passengers, sirens,
witnesses, bodies in trunks.
Choose or you better.
I told everyone what they need to know.
Will that keep glass from your face?
Amazon Prime blasting
through azaleas and the breakfast nook
and your speaking wife. Is that what?
My hair comes out by my fingers
before you listen. Just
one word is impossible.
Nothing’s understood,
so much lightning in the air.
Whoa -- that glow. Another
picks out sizes for miles.
At this rate you
reach the point
there’s only shouting.
I will not have been at fault,
sunned freezer bag, handled mixing stick!
Fall away, signs and warnings,
picture of you looking at windows
on carpets and the stairs in flames.
(Slammed door.)